
What to do when your dog vomits may not be an emergency afterall

Vomiting in dogs is usually not a serious emergency but should not be ignored. A vomiting dog must be examined to be sure it is not a pointed to a more terrible condition.

Find out why your dog is vomiting

Ascertaining the reason for the vomiting is number one worry a pet owner must investigate.

Dogs may vomit for a variety of reasons; some may be more serious than others. Sometimes dogs may vomit after chewing plastics or after taking contaminated food items.

Dogs may vomit due to diet, eating from the trash is not the best for dogs as well. Examining the eating habit of a dog may provide a clue.

Meanwhile, vomiting may also be caused by more serious factors. Ingesting toxin, gastrointestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, and more factors may be responsible.

Vomiting is one of the most common signs of illness among dogs and may be accompanied by loss of appetite, diarrhea or lethargy.

It is not enough to know why dogs vomit, it is equally important to know how to react to it.


Like their cousins in the wild who have no human to care for them, domestic dogs often hide their ailments as if they could handle it like their wild cousins would. You may not call a vet if the dog has vomited once or twice, but it is important to take extra precautions when your dog is sick because dogs can’t tell us how they really feel.

If your dog vomits, first have a look at the substance that was vomited up.

  • Is it food?
  • Is it mostly bile or mucus?
  • Does the vomit contain white foam, water, or blood?
  • Are there pieces of toys, clothing or other inedible material mixed in?

It’s a good idea to drop any foreign objects you find into a baggie in case your vet needs to see them later. Make a note describing the vomit in case you need to remember when you talk with the vet and take a photo if you can. If lethargy, diarrhea, or other signs of illness accompany the vomiting, make a note of this too.

When to Call the Vet

If your dog won’t eat for two days in a row, you should contact your vet even if the vomiting has stopped. Diarrhea sometimes occurs during or after vomiting episodes. Call your vet if your dog’s diarrhea doesn’t begin to improve within a day or two.


If your dog vomits after eating or drinking for more than one day, go to the vet immediately. This may be a sign of a gastrointestinal obstruction (like a foreign body) or another serious illness. Communication with the vet is a must for every dog owner.

How to Prevent Vomiting in Dogs

It’s not really possible to prevent your dog from ever vomiting. But you can take the following common-sense precautions to limit exposure to risks that may cause nausea and vomiting:

  • Keep trash and table scraps, cleaning solutions or solvents, lawn and garden chemicals, and any other toxic materials away from your dog.
  • Discard broken or damaged chew toys. Keep an eye out for other chewed items that your dog may have eaten or swallowed.
  • Serve your dog fresh, high-quality food. Prevent access to toxic foods like avocados, chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, and alcohol.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet’s health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.



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